Valve spacing center to center - 2.020"
Valve seats are Durabond:
Intake valve seat 2.193 x 1.875 x .281 part#30984
Exhaust valve seat 1.784 x 1.500 x .312 part#71404
Precision Engine Parts Bronze valve guides. part#B5046
1/2" body, 11/32 id, machined with a shoulder and top is
machined to accept PC type valve seals.
Valve sizes supported:
Intake up to 2.15 head dia.
Exhaust up to 1.77 head dia.
Intake runner volume:
Approximately 192 c.c.'s.
As cast combustion chamber volume:
Approximately 75 c.c.'s.
Uses tapered seat extended reach spark plugs such as Champion S57YC.
Will accept standard Oldsmobile valve train components.
Such as Harland Sharp 1.6:1 roller rockers. (or equivalent)
Must use WENZLER intake manifold or fabricated intake.
Must use air gap valley cover available from Rocket Racing. ($25)
The heads are capable of flowing 350 cfm on intake with porting.
Spec's available from Rocket Racing.
Complete heads are available - add $400 - includes:
One pair fully machined heads with seats and guides.
One set of quality valves - Stainless swirl polished 2.11 intake , 1.72 exhaust.
Seals, springs, retainers, keepers.
Set up to support up to .600 intake lift.
Guide plates.
Rocker arm studs.
Competition valve job.
Fully assembled.
Mild port cleanup 260 cfm intake, 170cfm exhaust. No charge if purchased as a complete set of heads.
Porting for one set of heads to 300 cfm. $350.
Porting for one set of heads for Bracket Racing A - $500. - flow ~320
Porting for one set of heads for Bracket Racing B - $750. - flow ~330
Porting for one set of heads for all out competition - $1,000 - flow ~350 +